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Kdo v tom má prsty?

Jsme parta kamarádů se srdcem na dlani. Naším posláním je vytvořit úsměv na vaší tváři. Spolu s vámi se smějeme, až se za břicho popadáme, a užíváme si momenty, na které se nezapomíná. Liščí hravost je nám vlastní a s námi ji v sobě s jistotou objevíte i vy. Svou práci děláme poctivě, se spoustou kreativní energie a dlouholetou zkušeností.

A čím jsme jiní? Osobním přístupem ke každému z vás a velkou dávkou lidskosti. Na nic si nehrajeme a rádi vybočujeme ze zaběhlých kolejí. Fox je naše sdrdcovka a těšíme se, že si získá i vás.

I want Fox
Fotofox gramofon
Helena will plan your event for you. You can be sure it will turn out exactly the way you wanted it and bring you joy and beautiful memories. Feel free to ask for anything you haven’t found in our offer.
Most of all Helena loves to be with her family and work on meaningful projects. She likes to learn new things and relax in nature or in a spa. As a child, she was afraid of darkness, so a few years ago she spent a week in the dark and the fear is now gone.
Fotofox Sabina
graphic designer

Sabi loooves graphic design. You can sense her enthusiasm from her designs on your photos. But she can also design for example a beautiful backdrop for you. 

Sabi is a tough woman. She chops up her wood and plasters the walls at her cabin in the woods. By buying it, she made her dream come true. She spends long winter nights with her dog Chilli and cat Curry reading Terry Pratchett’s Discworld and playing ukulele. And from here it’s only a step away from her next dream – becoming a rock star.


Fotofox Otakar

Ota is our handy guy. He manages anything you ask him and while doing that he makes a tun of jokes. You can meet him at most of our events and can rely on him getting the job done flawlessly, even though they call him Donkey at home. 

He loves mountains. Both in winter and in summer. He is a great cook and likes to fire up his meal with a chilli pepper. He is a know-it-all and loves to pick at his friends. And in return we pick at him a little bit. But to be clear, Ota is a real manly man! We were not forced at all to mention that he likes to play poker and watch football.